Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today was not only the last day of the first term, when I have my kids do self and class evaluations, but also the day of my annual observation/evaluation.

I haven't gone through the class evals yet, but from flipping through it appears that 1st and 2nd period mostly like me and my class, and 3rd and 4th not so much.  Not shocking.

I didn't know what to expect from my administrator evaluation, since last year my principal basically pasted my name into a document written about someone else (I don't know who, but someone who runs a very different class from mine).  This year I had a brand new Academic Director doing mine and he actually had a pre-conference with me and then spent an entire class period, bell to bell, in my room.  And then after school we sat down and had a nice, productive, encouraging half hour post-conference about what he saw as strengths and "deltas" (gosh I hate that euphemism).  It was actually 100% awesome and I went home smiling after an exhausting day.

Last year, whenever visitors came to my class and chose a student to ask about what we are studying, how class works, to show their notebook, etc, they had the uncanny ability to pick a kid who has no idea what is going on and/or actively dislikes me or school enough to portray the class in an unfavorable light.  Not today.  Mr. W. sat down next to R, one of my absolute favorite students, who DEFINITELY made me look good.  So, big thanks to my buddy R for convincing Mr. W that I am organized, offer useful feedback to students, and have class procedures that run smoothly.  I should probably buy you a whole bag of Kit Kats.

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